The Biker Mice from Mars toyline was a series of action figures, vehicles, and playsets produced by Galoob in the mid-1990s. The line was based on the popular animated television show of the same name, which aired from 1993 to 1996. The toys captured the essence of the cartoon's story, which followed three anthropomorphic mice—Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie—who escaped their war-torn home planet, Mars, and arrived on Earth to protect Chicago from the nefarious schemes of the alien fish-like Plutarkians.
The Galoob toyline aimed to replicate the characters, their unique motorcycles, and the dynamic action of the cartoon series. It was marketed primarily to children and capitalized on the early '90s trend of anthropomorphic action heroes, such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The toys featured rugged designs, action features, and accessories to enhance playability.
The line was notable for its attention to detail, with sculpts that closely resembled the cartoon designs and included exaggerated features, bold colors, and unique character attributes.
- Biker Mice From Mars - Main line (1993)
- Biker Mice From Mars - Sport's Bro's (1994)
- Biker Mice From Mars - Freedom Fighters (1994)
- Biker Mice From Mars - Off-Road Bro's (1994)
- Biker Mice From Mars - Biker Knights (1995)
- Biker Mice From Mars - Astro Bro's (1995)