The 1993 Power Rangers Red Ranger Action Figure, produced by Bandai, was part of the first wave of action figures released in conjunction with the debut of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. This 4-inch figure represents Jason Lee Scott, the Red Ranger, one of the original team members of the Power Rangers series. This release was exclusive to the European market.
Name | Red Ranger |
Series | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993) |
Height | 4-inch / 10 centimeter |
Manufacturer | Bandai |
Release | Fall 1993 |
Case Number | 2201 |
Case Count | |
Item Number | 2201 |
- The figure has multiple points of articulation, including the arms, legs, and head.
- Accessories: It includes the Power Sword and Blade Blaster.
- The figure's suit replicates the classic Red Ranger costume with its bright red body, white diamond chest pattern with the Tyrannosaurus emblem, and detailed helmet.
The figure was packaged on a colorful card in a clamshell plastic packaging.
Name | Quantity | Part Number | Notes | Photo |
Red Ranger figure | 1 | |||
Power Sword | 1 | |||
Blade Blaster | 1 |