The Deluxe Megazord, released in 1993 by Bandai, was one of the most iconic and sought-after toys of its time, tying into the massive success of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series. Based on the Dino Megazord featured in the show, this toy became a centerpiece for fans and collectors, showcasing the power of five individual Zords that could combine into one colossal robot.
The Deluxe Megazord toy set was designed to replicate the look and functionality of the Dino Megazord from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. In the show, the Megazord was formed by combining the Rangers' five Dinozords: the Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Triceratops, Sabertooth Tiger, and Pterodactyl. This toy embodied the same concept, allowing fans to assemble their own Megazord from the individual components.
Zord Components
Each Zord in the Deluxe Megazord set was fully articulated and detailed, allowing for both standalone play and combination into the Megazord form. The Zords included were:
- Tyrannosaurus Dinozord:
- The central and largest Zord in the set, which formed the torso and head of the Megazord.
- Features included moving legs, tail articulation, and a detailed design based on its on-screen counterpart.
- Mastodon Dinozord:
- Formed the Megazord's arms and shield.
- The Mastodon Zord featured a detachable head that doubled as the Megazord's shield.
- Triceratops Dinozord:
- This Zord formed the left leg of the Megazord.
- Its details included tank-like treads instead of legs and a spring-loaded tail cannon.
- Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord:
- Formed the right leg of the Megazord.
- The Sabertooth Tiger Zord featured articulated legs and a spring-loaded tail weapon.
- Pterodactyl Dinozord:
- This Zord formed the chestplate of the Megazord.
- It included small detachable wings and fit snugly on the assembled Megazord.
Combination and Features
The Deluxe Megazord was fully transformable, allowing each Zord to combine into either the Tank Mode or the full Megazord Mode:
- Tank Mode:
- This intermediate transformation showcased all five Zords in a unified battle formation.
- It emphasized the versatility of the toy and gave fans a unique way to display their collection.
- Megazord Mode:
- The final transformation assembled the five Zords into the towering Megazord, complete with its iconic sword and Mastodon Shield.
- The toy included chrome-finished details, such as the sword, and intricate sculpting to match the show.
The Deluxe Megazord was sold in a vibrant box featuring images of the combined Megazord and its individual Zords.
- The Power Sword, a chrome-finished weapon for the Megazord.
- The Mastodon Shield, doubling as the Mastodon head.
- Instruction manuals for transformation steps.
- Decals for added detail.